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This is the cause of annoying zits on the cheeks

Pimples on the cheeks can interfere with your appearance and confidence. Various dirty objects, germs, and bad habits can cause acne on the cheeks. Acne is formed when the follicle, which is where hair grows, is blocked by dead skin cells, sebum (skin's natural oil), or bacteria. Puberty is usually the beginning of acne, but acne can also be experienced by adults. Acne can appear anywhere, whether on the back, neck, chest, shoulders, or cheeks.

Some Causes of Acne on the Cheek

The presence of pimples on the cheeks indeed makes you uneasy, because everyone can easily see the red spots on your face. If you do not want pimples to appear on the cheeks, let's, avoid the following causes of acne on the cheeks:

1. Dirty pillowcases and bed linen

One cause of acne on the cheeks is pillowcases and dirty sheets. Dead skin cells, dirt, make-up, and bacteria can gather in pillowcases and bed linen. When sleeping in a dirty bed, dirt and germs can stick to the skin and clog pores on the face. If pillowcases and sheets are not replaced frequently, pimples can appear on the cheeks and other body areas. Therefore, it is recommended that you regularly change your sheets every few days or once a week. In addition, choose cotton sheets that can absorb sweat and oil on the face, so as not to cause pimples on the cheeks.

2. Choose makeup incorrectly

Most womenfolk are willing to pay a cheap fee to do a variety of facial beauty treatments. But unfortunately, not all treatments are suitable for all skin types. The use of makeup and facial care products that are not in accordance with the type of skin can be a cause of acne on the cheeks. Therefore, choose makeup that suits your skin type and avoid make-up products that contain oil. Products that are safe for preventing acne are usually labeled 'non-comedogenic'.

3. Unclean cellphone

The cell phone you use often can be a gathering place for acne-triggering oils and bacteria on the cheeks. When you are on the phone, bacteria on the surface of a cell phone can move to the cheek. Therefore, it is recommended that you diligently clean your mobile phone every day with a slightly damp cloth.

4. Not selectively choosing food and drinks

Another cause of acne on the cheeks is the wrong choice of food and drink. Foods that contain lots of carbohydrates, such as white rice, bread, pasta, soft drinks, and sugary drinks, can increase blood sugar and insulin levels. This condition will trigger the androgen hormone to become more active. As a result, skin cells grow faster and sebum production increases. When this happens, the pimples on the cheeks are more prone to appear.

5. Excessive stress

When experiencing severe stress or stress too often, the body will experience hormonal changes. This can contribute to the formation of pimples on the cheeks or on other body parts. Therefore, reduce stress and rest enough so that pimples on the cheeks do not appear often. Apart from some of the causes above, acne can also arise due to side effects of using birth control pills, pregnancy, before menstruation, frequent sweating, to heredity. So that acne does not appear on the cheeks or other body parts, pay attention to the type of food and drinks you consume. In addition, exercise regularly, always wash your hands before touching your face, wash your face twice a day, and clean your makeup before going to bed. When pimples appear, try not to squeeze them. This risks making it difficult to heal acne and cause scars. If you have avoided various causes of pimples on the cheeks but pimples still appear on the cheeks and other facial or body areas, immediately consult a dermatologist to get the right treatment.


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